Flotsam (what we’re obsessed with right now)
- What Makes Things Slimy? Now, I’m just a humble country deep-sea ecologist, but I reckon it’s probably the slime.
- I’m not not considering this: I Live Alone in an Island Paradise.

Jetsam (what we’re reading from around the web)
- New consortium partnership expands opportunities for Tech students, coastline.
- Divers haul up giant ball of ‘ghost gear’ littering the seafloor off Maine’s coast.
- On the flip side, be careful out there, folks. Police say missing diver was using “homemade diving equipment”.
- Half of Greenland’s Surface Started Melting This Week, Which Is Not Normal.
- Iceberg Alley: Hundreds of enormous icebergs drift through this waterway every year.

- Papua New Guinea appoints reformer to crucial petroleum portfolio.
- NOAA Investigates Surge in Dead Dolphins Along the Gulf Coast.
- Japan’s commercial whaling to restart July 1 after 3-decade hiatus.
- ‘A more humane country’: Canada to ban keeping whales, dolphins in captivity except… Marineland Claims They Are Exempt From Canada’s New Ban On Whale And Dolphin Captivity because of course it is.
- On-board cameras for commercial fishing boats that encounter rare Māui dolphins.
- Sure you do, Elon, sure you do. Tesla Has a Submarine Car Design and Won’t Share It.
- Seals With Sensors Help Solve the Mystery of Antarctica’s Giant Sea Ice Hole.
- China’s Bioluminescent Blue Tears Are Beautiful and Associated With Toxic Blooms.
- It’s Rockall. It’s always Rockall. Scotland and Ireland locked in fishing dispute over Atlantic outcrop.
- Video Shows Frantic Moments Before Historic Schooner’s Collision with Containership.
- The future will kill us. Training a modest machine-learning model uses more carbon than the manufacturing and lifetime use of five automobiles.
- How whale blubber is fuelling this soapmaker’s Inuit pride.
- They don’t want you trash anymore: Developing countries turn away from plastic waste imports.
- Oops. Your Cheap-Ass Bee House Is Probably Killing the Bees.
- We’re Eating a Whole Lot of Plastic… Uh, Is That Bad?
The Gam (ocean podcasts we love)
Lagan (what we’re reading from the peer-reviewed literature)
- Simon-Lledó and friends (2019) Biological effects 26 years after simulated deep-sea mining. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-44492-w.
- Lotze and friends (2019) Global ensemble projections reveal trophic amplification of ocean biomass declines with climate change. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1900194116.
- Thomas and friends (2019) A self‐preserving, partially biodegradable eDNA filter. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.13212.
- Ayudin and friends (2019) WidgetCon: a Website and a Program for Quick Conversion among Common Population Genetic Data Formats. DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.13047.
- Williams and Graham (2019) Rethinking coral reef functional futures. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13374.
Shipping News (academic and ocean policy wonkery)
- The war to free science: How librarians, pirates, and funders are liberating the world’s academic research from paywalls.
Derelicts (favorites from the deep archive)
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