Almost 2 years ago, we published our first field guide to ocean science and conservation on twitter. While the advice is still sound (and you should definitely read it), the recommended people to follow is now painfully dated. Here’s two updated lists of core people to follow on twitter to get yourself plugged in to the ocean science and conservation community.
New to the online ocean community? This list will help you get connected to the conversation by following key members of the community. Rather than a comprehensive collection of all ocean science and conservation broadcasters, this short list will help you follow along without becoming overwhelmed.
A Field Guide to Ocean Science and Conservation Broadcasters on Twitter
New to the online ocean community? This list will help you get connected to the conversation by following key members of the community. Rather than a comprehensive collection of all ocean science and conservation broadcasters, this short list will help you follow along without becoming overwhelmed.
A Field Guide to Ocean Science and Conservation Engagers on Twitter
New to the online ocean community? This list will help you get connected to the people leading the conversation on twitter. Rather than a comprehensive collection of all ocean science and conservation engagers, this short list will help you join in along without becoming overwhelmed.
As with the previous list volume, these are, by no means, comprehensive lists. By following the people on these two lists, you’ll be able to see who’s talking to who in ocean science and conservation and expand your network from this handy baseline.
If you want to flex you social media chops and learn a bit more about the tools and tricks for effective online communicators, consider signing up for our online course, taught through Duke University’s Environmental Leadership Program.