Andrew D. Thaler is a deep-sea ecologist and population geneticist who studies the consequences of human impacts on the biodiversity and connectivity of deep-sea hydrothermal vents. His work includes integrating low-cost, open-source technology into research and conservation programs and empowering a community of citizen oceanographers through Oceanography for Everyone.
David Shiffman is a shark conservation biologist and author of the book Why Sharks Matter: A Deep Dive with the World’s Most Misunderstood Predator.
Kersey Sturdivant is a marine scientist who specializes in human disturbance of the benthic environment (i.e., the seafloor), with a special focus on marine ‘dead zones’. He is a faculty member at Duke University, and helped establish an environmental consulting company, INSPIRE Environmental, which focuses on environmental impact assessments of the sealoor. As the co-creator of Wormcam and OpenCTD, Kersey is also interested in using marine technology to increase human awareness, knowledge, and understanding of the marine environment. He also just published an empirical book about Getting into Graduate School in the Sciences.
Angelo Villagomez focuses on Indigenous-led conservation. Born in a village on an island in the western Pacific Ocean next to the Mariana Trench and trained in Western scientific methods, Villagomez is a conservation advocate who uses Indigenous knowledge and values and the scientific method to address modern threats including habitat loss, fishing, and climate colonialism.
Past Authors
Chris Parsons has been involved in whale and dolphin research for over two decades and has been involved in research projects in every continent except Antarctica. Dr. Parsons is an Associate Professor at George Mason University as well as the undergraduate coordinator for their environmental science program.
Chuck Bangley is a former Rhode Islander attending grad school in North Carolina. Chuck combines his dual interests in sharks and seafood by researching the interactions between marine apex predators and fisheries, with a focus on U.S. fisheries management. He’s also endlessly amused by fish eating other fish.
Michelle Jewell is a zoologist, science blogger, and three-time karaoke champion. When not writing about new predator or climate related research, Michelle calls upon her high-school ska band skills to sing about science on her YouTube channel.
Solomon David an aquatic ecologist who studies freshwater fish biodiversity and conservation. His current research focuses on ecology and conservation of Great Lakes migratory fishes, “Ancient Sport Fish” (e.g. gars and bowfins), and peripheral populations of species. An avid fan of “primitive fishes” and advocate for native species conservation, Solomon strives to effectively communicate science to both the research community and general public to raise awareness of the value of aquatic ecosystems and freshwater biodiversity.
Sarah Keartes is a science blogger studying marine biology and journalism at the University of Oregon. A self-proclaimed Attenborough wannabe, and all-around shark junkie, she is dedicated to exploring new tools to promote ocean outreach through science communication, and online community building.
Lyndell Bade is a marine ecologist and educator based in Maine, where she is a laboratory instructor at Bates College. Her masters work focused on using genetic techniques to investigate the feeding ecology of cownose rays in North Carolina.
Iris Kemp is a research ecologist at the Salish Sea Marine Survival Project. She is interested in determining the causes of variable growth and survival of Puget Sound salmon.
Michael Bok works on the visual ecology of the mantis shrimp., He is attempting to unravel the molecular and optical components in the eye that allow mantis shrimp to see five different colors of UV light, as well as the polarization angle of UV light waves.
Past authors and guest authors also include Angelo Villagomez, Rae Pendergrass, and Catherine Macdonald.