- Follow wildlife illustrator Marc Dando on twitter!
- The rise of fishing apps. By the Fisheries Blog.
- Misled penguins swim to fishing grounds that no longer have food. By Katie Peek, for Scientific American
Spoils (long reads and deep dives):
- A pet crayfish is cloning itself and spreading around the world. By Sarah Zhang, for the Atlantic.
- Science at the speed of law. By Roberta Kwok, for Hakai.
- Why it’s better for the environment for salmon to eat insects. By Heather Brady, for National Geographic.
- Scientists watch ocean plastic hotspots form in real time. By Erica Cirino, for OceansDeeply.
- Earthquakes triggers spawning in rare fish thousands of miles away. By Shreya Dasgupta, for MongaBay
Please add your own cuttings and spoils in the comments!
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