Bringing you the best of marine science and conservation from the last week.
Flotsam (what we’re obsessed with right now)
- More.
Jetsam (what we’re enjoying from around the web)
- Rachel Carson’s Brave and Prescient 1953 Letter Against the Government’s Assault on Science and Nature. Seems relevant.
- The mother of molluscs. 478-Million-Year-Old Spiky Slug Solves Long-Held Mollusk Mystery.
- FishBase is an incredibly valuable database for fisheries and marine science data. They need more funding to keep the servers humming. If you’ve used FishBase in the last decade, consider sending them a donation.
- In Felixstowe, a seaside town in England, watching container ships is a tradition, and a time for taking stock of life. Ship Spotters.
- Jelly-robots that catch fish. Deep Sea News is on it!
Lagan (what we’re reading from the peer-reviewed literature)
- Freitag (2017) Factors Determining Participation Quality in Collaborative Water Quality Research. Environmental Sociology. DOI:10.1080/23251042.2017.1289592.
- Danovaro and friends (2017) An ecosystem-based deep-ocean strategy. Science. DOI: 10.1126/science.aah7178.
- Wilson and friends (2017) Activity syndromes and metabolism in giant deep-sea isopods. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. DOI:10.1016/j.dsr.2017.02.003.
- Masters and friends (2017) A new genus for the eastern dwarf galagos (Primates: Galagidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnaen Society. DOI:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlw028.
- Shewry (2017) Going Fishing: Activism against Deep Ocean Mining, from the Raukūmara Basin to the Bismarck Sea. South Atlantic Quarterly. DOI:10.1215/00382876-3749625.
Derelicts (favorites from the deep archive)
Feel free to share your own Flotsam, Jetsam, Lagan, Driftwood, and Derelicts in the comments below. And, of as always, if you enjoy Southern Fried Science, consider contributing to my Patreon campaign to help us keep the servers humming.