Cuttings (short and sweet):
- Watch this amazing scene from Blue Planet 2!
- Follow Cat Horswill, a PostDoc studying the life history of marine predators, on twitter!
- In the Arctic, at least, diplomacy works. Bloomberg Editorial.
- Mysterious “white plague” threatens South Florida coral reefs. By the Associated Press.
- Climate change and overfishing are pushing seabirds to extinction. By Matthew Taylor, for the Guardian.
- Not all that glitters is gold, some is plastic. By George Leonard, for the Ocean Conservancy Blog.
Spoils (long reads and deep dives):
- How do fish handle the cold? By Brandon Peoples, for the Fisheries Blog.
- These imaginary islands only existed on maps. By Simon Worrall, for National Geographic.
- Stressed out narwhals don’t know whether to freeze or flee. By Nell Greenfieldboyce, for NPR.
- Forest code falls short in protecting Amazonian fishes. By John Cannon, for MongaBay.
Please add your own cuttings and spoils in the comments!
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