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Weekly Salvage

Carsten Egevang goes looking for seals in Greenland and finds a photogenic guillemot instead.

This photo of a sealion on a Southland beach was found on a USB stick swallowed by a leopard seal. Credit: unknown

Foghorn (A Call to Action!)
Flotsam (what we’re obsessed with right now)
- So many mesmerizing videos from Deep Sea News! Experience the Life of the Deep Gulf of Mexico in 20 Videos.
- This is a staggeringly beautiful image: One Great Shot: The Guillemot and the Iceberg.

- Did you lose a flash drive? NIWA might have it. They were defrosting leopard seal poo…you won’t believe what happened next!

Weekly Salvage

The newest members of the nudibranch family. (H. iba comes in 2 color morphs.)
Photo: California Academy of Sciences

A close-up photo of the sponge that is being studied. NHM.
Foghorn (A Call to Action!)
- Help the Victims of Typhoon Yutu.
- Ruth Gates dedicated her life to saving the world’s reefs and training the next generation of reef scientists. The Fight for Corals Loses Its Great Champion.
Flotsam (what we’re obsessed with right now)

Photo: California Academy of Sciences
- Palau Becomes First Nation to Ban Sunscreens That Harm Corals.
- The tiny sponge that could help preserve our deep oceans.

Cuttings (short and sweet):
- Watch this sixgill shark swim in the coastal waters near Vancouver, in this clip from the Vancouver Aquarium!
Video courtesy Vancouver Aquarium - Follow Al Harry, Australian shark researcher, on twitter! Al has just joined, so welcome him!
- Sea lice feast of fresh meat as teenager left bloodied. Video from the Guardian. My official comment on this story can be found here. Also, here’s a video of some similar creatures skeletonizing a whole pig in a few days. (It is worth noting that some scientists are skeptical of this explanation of what happened to this Australian teenager.)
- Learn about whalefalls, an important underwater habitat made up of dead whales. Video and story by Julie Takahashi, for the Houston Chronicle
- How do you tag a jellyfish? By Diane Richards, for the Monterrey Bay Aquarium’s Conservation and Science Blog.