Check out some of the fantastic swag you could win during the Southern Fried Science Readers’ Survey! All of this is stuffed into the rare and highly coveted Science Online 2010 tote bag. In addition, you could win an exclusive DVD of WhySharksMatter’s Four Things Everyone should know about Sharks documentary and every Shark Science Monday to date and a new science or ocean conservation themed book from the Southern Fried Scientist’s personal library.
How can you win all this amazing swag? All you have to do is fill out our Readers’ Survey. One reader will be randomly selected from a pool of surveys with the most insightful, helpful, and funniest comments. That reader could be you!
In addition, 2 readers will be randomly selected from all surveys to receive a new science or ocean conservation themed book from my personal library. We’re only collecting 250 surveys, which means your odds of winning big are orders of magnitude better than a weekend in Vegas.